Tshering Sherpa bhai

Tshering Sherpa bhai
Melamchi Bazaar

Since June 15, after flooding, many social organizations have been distributing foods stuffs, however really suffering people are in need of some economic relief for sustainable life in the days ahead. They have enough food to survive, but they still need cash economic support to build their new homes.

The debris flow hit the Melamchi Bazaar and destroyed a number of houses, infrastructure along the road corridor. This debris flood partly destroyed the Headworks of the Melamchi Water supply project. At least 15 people, including Indian and Chinese nationals, have gone missing and are thus feared dead after the flood in the Melamchi River wreaked havoc at Melamchi Bazaar and other low lying areas along the Indrawati river basin in Sindhupalchowk district.

Considering this in mind, on behalf of sherpa support foundation( SSF), today we driven toward melamchi bazaar and able to distribute smalll cash economic support as small relief during this sad time of the year. Total 18 house/ family has received RS 5000 each. We hope this small cash may help a little bit to pay some expenses during this hard time!

Thanks Tshering Sherpa bhai and Tashi Sherpa, member of Thangpal Gaupaalika,sindupalchowk for coordinating this charity journey.It was one of the great weekends again. We are on a social journey..

And my sincere thanks to my Tukti Sherpa Gharja Ngima Lama Sherpa and Sonam Sherpa for great physical helping hands together 🙏

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